If you are like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. It doesn't matter how early my day starts, I can never seem to get to everything....
I have been following FlyLady for help with getting our house in order. There are some days that I just feel like burning the whole house down and starting over would...
This year, rather than being lazy and buying gift cards for teachers, pastors, and friends, I decided to hand-make things from the heart. For the men I wanted to focus on...
Be sure to check out this week's Friday Favorites! The featured movies are:
Kiss of the Dragon
Blood Sport
Rumble in the Bronx
Ong Bak
Enter the Dragon
Man of Tai Chi
Ip Man
My 5 year old came up to me begging to play Minecraft with her but the controllers were dead and needed charged. Her little face started to droop and she was...
Did you know that raw sprouts are really good for you? They are very high in nutrients, protein, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins C & K. They can be...
My friend Tiffany and I were talking one day and we were really wondering why it seems mosquitoes bite certain people and not others. We both have a couple family members...
There is still so much fear over a virus and other social aspects going on. I just wanted to throw out some thoughts to ponder.
Here is the train of thought I...
How could she go on knowing she could not go to college like her friends? I guess that’s it though, she has never been like her friends. She has always known that...