Homemade for the Holidays

This year, rather than being lazy and buying gift cards for teachers, pastors, and friends, I decided to hand-make things from the heart. For the men I wanted to focus on...

Friday Favs – Martial Arts Movies!!

Be sure to check out this week's Friday Favorites! The featured movies are: Kiss of the Dragon Blood Sport Rumble in the Bronx Ong Bak Enter the Dragon Man of Tai Chi Ip Man

What does the condition of a book mean?

I have read a lot of books over the years. Not as many since having kids but I enjoy a good book. So, what does the condition of a book...

Join us Live on YouTube!

Make sure you jump on YouTube at 9:30pm to join us live. We would love to interact with you and read your comments real time and respond on air. Each...

Resolution? Nope, attempt…

This new year, I want to be better at documenting each day. Each and every day has it's share of ups and downs and I want to document that in 2024....

Friday Fav Movies!

I mentioned in Wednesday's post that we now have a YouTube channel spin-off from this blog. We post a movie review podcast on Tuesdays and we go live on Sunday evenings....
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Homemade for the Holidays

This year, rather than being lazy and buying gift cards for teachers, pastors, and friends, I decided to hand-make things from the heart. ...

Friday Favs – Martial Arts Movies!!

Be sure to check out this week's Friday Favorites! The featured movies are: Kiss of the Dragon Blood Sport Rumble in the Bronx Ong Bak Enter the Dragon Man...

What does the condition of a book mean?

I have read a lot of books over the years. Not as many since having kids but I enjoy a good book. ...

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How Can I Make a Local Difference?

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Guest Post: Foster to Adopt

Hello, My name is Meredith, I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, I met my husband in Pennsylvania when he was stationed there with the Navy. We got married and moved to St. Louis,...

Product Review: Coffee that tastes like candy!

You guys! This stuff is soooo good. Check out my video and get you some. You WON'T be sorry!!! https://youtu.be/fKuG-XRLRWg

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Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there! Please do something for YOURSELF today, not just everyone else in the house. I know as a mother, it is everyone...

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Homemade for the Holidays

This year, rather than being lazy and buying gift cards for teachers, pastors, and friends, I decided to hand-make things from the heart. ...

Friday Favs – Martial Arts Movies!!

Be sure to check out this week's Friday Favorites! The featured movies are: Kiss of the Dragon Blood Sport Rumble in the Bronx Ong Bak Enter the Dragon Man...

What does the condition of a book mean?

I have read a lot of books over the years. Not as many since having kids but I enjoy a good book. ...