I love trying out new skincare products. I am always looking for the perfect solution to dry skin. Are you like me?
Regular hand lotion is something where I’m always trying something new. I don’t like things with strong, artificial smells. I like a more mild fragrance with a good texture to it. If it is too thin, it just seems weird. Too thick is just obnoxious to try to put on. I don’t want to turn white when I use lotion.
I’ve tried Dead Sea moisturizer but the smell was so strong that I don’t use it. I have used Bath & Body Works stuff but their smells are really strong too and I don’t feel that my skin stays moist for very long with them. I have tried cheap store lotion and on the opposite spectrum Palmer’s Cocoa Butter. Palmer’s is good if I have a real dry patch but I wouldn’t reach for it just for a little softening.

I recently tried Rooted Beauty Hydrating Hand Cream with one of my Grove orders. I have to say, I really like it. It has a nice oatmeal smell and it is the right thickness to go on smooth but not feel too thick and heavy. I reach for it and feel refreshed after using it.
Thankfully I don’t have eczema like my daughter does.

We have tried a million different things for her. My sister-in-law recommended we just use Vaseline and gloves so we have been trying that and watching for triggers. It seems chlorine is a big trigger for her which doesn’t surprise me. When we get out of the pool, she is dry and itchy. I wash her little hands and arms with a gentle soap and then lather her up with either Aquaphor ointment or Vaseline. She doesn’t seem to bother it if I do that. I also bought little kid arm sleeves with a thumb cut out for her to wear at night so the ointment doesn’t rub off. Poor little thing.

I will continue to try more and more different types of lotions because…well…I love them! If I find something better than these, I will come back and let you know.
Have you found a lotion or skin care product that you just love? What is it that you love about it? I want to hear from you in the comments!