Today was one of those days. Cold, rainy, unmotivated sort of day. Do you ever have those days? Those days when you know you have so much to do but you just have absolutely no motivation to get it done.

My kids needed me to have personal time with them today. Even though I had a ton to do, it was absolutely wonderful just to lay there with them. Listen to them tell me what is cool with their video game, magic tricks, Hatchimals, Barbies. I actually fell asleep snuggling with my son. He so sweetly said, “Mom, wake up, you fell asleep.”
Too often we are so busy that we forget to stop and listen. Kids notice those things parents! They know when we brush them off for something we think is more important than them in that moment. No, those things are not truly more important than them but sometimes they feel that way.

Kids will understand our need to fulfill tasks. In fact, this is a good thing for them to see. They need to see us start, work on, and bring to completion tasks or assignments of our own. They learn by watching what we do. We are setting the example for what kind of adults they will be.
Another important thing to them is following through with promises to them. They remember EVERYTHING. Time has passed and you think they have forgotten, maybe you have even forgotten but they bring it up again. “Hey mom, you said you would fix this for me. Could you do it today?” or “You told me we could make these cookies, can we do it today?” Remember, you told them you would so be sure you do. They will remember when you kept your word. They won’t remember the 35 other tasks you had to do that day.

Sooner than any of us want to think about, these little people will be big. They will move out and not need us so much anymore. They won’t ask us to sit and listen, they won’t look to us as the fixer of the important things to them. They will learn to do them for themselves which is bitter sweet. Teach them to be independent but relish in the today. Remember to say yes to them in the moment. The tasks will be there to finish when they are off doing something else. These special little people are a treasure and they should feel like we see them that way. Our little miracles.
What have you done special with your little miracles? Comment below and let me know!