Those of you that are home every day whether you always are or if you are now due to the virus, do you feel like all you do is cook? I know I do. I feel like all I do is cook, clean, think about what to cook for lunch, clean, think about what to cook for dinner, and clean again. It seems like I am definitely stuck in a circle with no escape!

Julia from Epicure introduced me to home meal kits that they offer to make cooking easier. The ingredient list and recipe is right on the back of the meal kit. Here is one she gave me to try out. As soon as I can get to the store for some lasagna noodles and ricotta, I am going to eat this one right up!
I try to plan my meals ahead of time but sometimes life gets in the way and I need something that is easy and quick. This is one option for those moments. Check out some of the products they offer in this video.
So, which one of those would you be interested in trying? If you are like me, the next question you would ask would be, how did this company come to be. What is their purpose? This video explains that for you.
Pretty interesting, right? Julia has set up an informational group for me and I would love for you to join and learn more about what Epicure offers. She will post recipes, cookware to make cooking less time consuming and live videos of how to use the products. I am excited to watch it all myself so please consider joining me in the group. There is absolutely no obligation to buy, just check it all out with me. If you don’t want to join the group and see the demos, you can just browse what they offer in their store. See anything you like? Tell me about it!
Thanks for learning a little about Epicure! I would love the opportunity to help you solve the “What’s for dinner?!” dilemma. It sounds too good to be true, but Epicure can save you time and money in the kitchen, while tasting good and offering quality ingredients. I would love for you to join us in the Facebook group I’ve created. There I’ll be sharing info and awarding prizes for checking it out! You may also learn more at my upcoming Live Cooking Demos on Zoom. 5/7, 5/14 and 5/21 at 7 pm CST.
Disclosure: I am not getting a monetary benefit from this post or associated group. I may receive product for orders made from the group.