How do you find time to find time?

If you are like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. It doesn't matter how early my day starts, I can never seem to get to everything....

What does it feel like to say goodbye…to your favorite jeans?

It has been, let's say, a while since I graduated high school and college. There are a few items of clothing that I felt I needed to hang on to. ...

What does your personal pamper party look like?

I have been following FlyLady for help with getting our house in order. There are some days that I just feel like burning the whole house down and starting over would...

Homemade for the Holidays

This year, rather than being lazy and buying gift cards for teachers, pastors, and friends, I decided to hand-make things from the heart. For the men I wanted to focus on...

Friday Favs – Martial Arts Movies!!

Be sure to check out this week's Friday Favorites! The featured movies are: Kiss of the Dragon Blood Sport Rumble in the Bronx Ong Bak Enter the Dragon Man of Tai Chi Ip Man

What does the condition of a book mean?

I have read a lot of books over the years. Not as many since having kids but I enjoy a good book. So, what does the condition of a book...
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How do you find time to find time?

If you are like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. It doesn't matter how early my day starts,...

What does it feel like to say goodbye…to your favorite jeans?

It has been, let's say, a while since I graduated high school and college. There are a few items of clothing that I...

What does your personal pamper party look like?

I have been following FlyLady for help with getting our house in order. There are some days that I just feel like burning...

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How do you find time to find time?

If you are like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. It doesn't matter how early my day starts,...

What does it feel like to say goodbye…to your favorite jeans?

It has been, let's say, a while since I graduated high school and college. There are a few items of clothing that I...

What does your personal pamper party look like?

I have been following FlyLady for help with getting our house in order. There are some days that I just feel like burning...