Remember parents, you can’t care for others properly if you aren’t caring for yourself.
As a mom of 4, I know that time is very hard to come by. The kids are so demanding especially for those of us that homeschool our kids. It seems like there is never enough time in the day to get everything done.
For years, I would make these unrealistic “To Do” lists that couldn’t possibly get accomplished in a day given our family circumstances. I would make a list ten items long and feel like a complete failure at the end of the day when I wouldn’t complete a single one of them.

I decided this year, I was going to strive to set only five goals a day, attainable goals. Any that do not get completed, move on to the next day’s schedule. There may be some days that the boys stay occupied and the girls take a nice long nap and I can defeat my list, completing all five. Most days, this will not be the case and that is ok.
There are some items on my agenda that are “Must Do” items. These are the things I make sure I get done in a day, even if that means I don’t get to do other stuff. These items are, for me, essential for my mental well-being. Moms, let me tell you how important it is to make sure these types of things get done. If you don’t make the time for the things that are important to you, you will not be in a good mental state to care for your family.

For me these items are:
- Reading my Bible – I have made it a goal, with some accountability partners, to read through the Bible completely this year. I have started this before and never seem to make it all the way through in a year’s time.
- Workout Daily – Even if only 20-30 minutes on the treadmill, I need some positive movement. I feel my weight is at a point I am unhappy with myself so I need to make a change in this area to feel good about making an effort.
- Meal Plan – This one is a work in progress. I make a plan but the sticking to it part is the hard part. This is an area that I am looking to improve, somehow.
- Blogging Time – I have found that writing is an outlet for me. I need that time that I can just release. I don’t care if no one reads my blog, I need a positive way to express how I feel and I have found that writing helps to do that. I may not post daily but I am writing ideas or jotting notes or starting a post and saving it to revise later. Every day I need to at least devote 30 minutes to writing or brainstorming.
- Crafting – This actually helps me sleep better at night. It relaxes me and lets my mind relax and my fingers do the work. Loving the end result is an added bonus as well.
Of course, this is all in addition to keeping the four little people alive and the house not being a total wreck at all times. This is also a struggle from time to time especially with the 3 year old. She is a hot mess tornado and leaves a trail of destruction behind her. Thank Heavens she is cute! My husband and I always say if she had been the first, she would be the only.
All that to say, mommas and dads, be sure to take your personal time. Make sure your cup is full so you can fill your family’s cup. Too many families get pulled apart because someone felt like they do everything and don’t get down time. Make sure you schedule down time. Time that is just purely yours for whatever it is you choose to do in it. Everyone’s formula for sanity will look a little different and in each stage of the game, it may look different as well.

Do you have must dos or scheduled “me time” to make sure you keep your sanity? If so, comment and let me know what you usually choose to do in that time.