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Guest Post: Being a Single Mom (Living with Parents)

I had a plan while living here. Save money and apply for higher paying jobs as often as I could. I guess you could say life got in the way.

The longer I’ve been here, the more I realize my daughter, Bryleigh, loves living here and being so close to her grandma and grandpa. She also has three friends who live right next door and began Kindergarten at the elementary school down the road.

At this point, I’m not sure I want to take her away from these things she loves so much. It seems to work out for everyone. I know my parents love being able to watch her grow up.

When my boyfriend, Steve, died in 2017, I went into a severe depression and grieving. It took me almost a good two and a half years to finally begin feeling like myself again. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t have my parents with me then. My mom helped care for Bryleigh on those days when all I wanted to do was lie in bed and cry.

I was in a motorcycle accident in 2019 (again, could be a whole other story!). I almost lost my leg… it was severely broken and I couldn’t walk for about 6 months, and I’m still not fully walking yet. If it weren’t for me living with my parents or having their support, I don’t know how I could’ve taken care of Bryleigh or a home on my own.

At times I feel like a loser because I don’t have my own home, and I don’t like telling people I live at home. They might think I lack drive or skills necessary to be out on my own when in actuality it’s been setback after setback.

I know how the drill goes, get knocked down, get up again (you’re singing that song now aren’t you). I’m extremely thankful I have such loving, supportive parents. It isn’t always being here, because I am an adult and want to do things my own way, but I have to just accept some things for what they are and know better days are always around the corner.

Do you ever wish things were different for you but also know they are that way for a reason? Share your story in the comments!

Be sure to check out the rest of this story in the other 2 previous and a few more to come, check back next Wednesday!

Our Daily Dealings is written by a husband and wife team and some guest authors. We come from very different backgrounds, family, cultural units but we have found a way to make 20 years work. We are so glad you are here and appreciate your support. Thank you for giving us even a few minutes of your time and we would covet your comments! Hope you have a great day!

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