I teach a kindergarten science class at our home school co-op. The kids love to talk about space and the moon. I decided to search for a project for them to be able to look at the different phases of the moon and enjoy it over and over! I have been using a book called The Everything Kid’s Science Experiments Book.

One of the lab lessons asks the questions: “Why do we see only part of the moon?” It uses a paper plate and other things for the experiment that I don’t have so I went on a search for something else I could use to still teach this lesson and give the kids a fun project to do. I ended up finding this neat moon phase project on Pinterest from Teach Beside Me. It is done with card stock and scissors, I have that!
I had my class practice their scissor skills and cut the square edges. I cut the circular edges for them because they were struggling to do the curves. They had so much fun practicing what the phases of the moon looked like. Watching their little faces glow was so fun!
What is your favorite science project to do?