Improving Your Digital Photography: Part 1 – Fire at Will


A couple articles ago I mentioned that I would begin a series that went into more detail about improving your digital photography. If you’re looking for this kind of content, you might think that you get bored at looking at your photos, or maybe you find your friend’s photos are more interesting…and you’re both photographing the same thing – everyday life with family and kids. What are they doing differently? Why do my shots suck so badly?

I would say that one of your greatest teachers is your own experience. If your photos are still not as exciting as your friend’s, then change something about what you’re doing. That’s the simple process you’ll repeat until you get where you want to be! I don’t want to get too technical in Part 1; but, I want you to be more intentional about the memories you capture. Let’s choose a topic: kids. Most folks love getting 100 shots per minute so that they can show them off to friends and family over social media. Personally, I still love prints and thumbing through albums, but that’s besides the point. When photographing your kids at home or at an event, a common point of view is often times right where you’re standing. What does that mean? Perhaps you’re lounging on the couch, sitting in your chair; in other words, watching from afar. Now, I don’t blame you; kids can tire parents quite quickly, and we can still experience the joy of watching them grow up in every possible relaxed position. Sometimes, though, the photos will suffer. Experiment with different points of view: in their face, from the ground, from up above, at their eye level, or even cock-eyed. Often times, mixing it up with these different perspectives is enough to let you relive the memories in fun ways.

It’s time to go out. Maybe it’s family day at the zoo. Large backdrop? Line ’em up against the backdrop, stand way back, and take the shot. Oh, now everyone is tiny. This one will just take a little repositioning, also. Have your family move toward you, away from the backdrop. Make them do silly poses until you achieve a good balance of both (family and backdrop). Don’t want to spend too much time at one photo op? Just move on and try again on the next opportunity!

As I said a few seconds ago, we weren’t going to get technical, here. The basic message is, don’t just stand there! Change your point of view. Your little ones will think you’re crazy as you’re moving all around trying to get that perfect photo, but that could also bring more smiles and memorable reactions!

Next up on Part II – À la Mode


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