I have a love and passion for creating beauty out of the plain and boring. I like to repurpose and reuse. I also like to create new things like crochet projects. I crochet every evening as a way to release the day’s stress.

I have been working for over a year on a temperature blanket for my oldest son. He has been very excited for it to be completed and checks in on the progress often. I over-estimated the size of his blanket so it has taken me a great deal longer to complete than anticipated. Due to this, I have also slowly been working on a different temperature blanket for son #2. He is equally as excited and checks in on any progress made on his as well (mostly when I am waiting on more yarn to arrive for the first blanket).
My second son, since watching me work for a year, has expressed interest in learning to crochet. He is very specific about what he wants to learn. “Hey mom, can you teach me to make a crocheted ball?” Little does he know that crocheting in the round is much more difficult and not necessarily an easy feat for a 10 year old first timer.

I decided to go for it anyways and show him the difficult start of forming a magic circle (yes, it is complicated) and let him start on round 2. He took a few tries to get it down but he started going after it! It may not be perfect on his first try but it will give him something to dedicate time and attention to and he will receive a reward at the end for his efforts. Not that kids always need a reward for things they do but now and then it is fun for them to see some positive results from their hard work!
Kids learn a great deal by example. What their parent’s passions are help to shape their passions if there is a willingness to teach and learn. Each of my kids have their own unique passions. My oldest has a passion for video game design. He is currently designing a game to submit to game writers in the hopes of it being published. My second son has a passion for arts and crafts as I do. He isn’t entirely patient yet but that will come with time and patience. My daughters have a passion for singing and dancing as of now. They are still very young so time will tell.
It is a great benefit to indulge your child’s passions as long as they are safe and healthy. Be willing to teach and show them the need for patience and perseverance. They will be pleasantly surprised to see the rewards of their hard work. (I will update with completed picture when he finishes it.)
What are your passions? Have you passed those on to your children or others around you that you have inspired? I would love to hear about it in the comments.