I do not and probably will never claim to be an excellent baker. I enjoy baking and eating desserts. I was super excited about the Snuggle Home Sweet Home Snuggle Bear Cookie project.

I was hopeful mine would look like bears…well…my kids said they could see the bear. I’m sure they were just being nice to get a cookie but anyways, it is what it is.

Here is what I did step by step. First I printed this recipe from Snuggle:
Oatmeal cookie mix, plus ingredients called for on package
Granulated sugar, for rolling
Brown M&M’s
Mini chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375° and line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, prepare oatmeal cookie dough according to package instructions.
Shape cookie dough into six 1” balls for the bear head. Flatten bear heads with the bottom of a glass.
Shape smaller 1/2″ balls for the ears and snouts. Place two balls on the top of each bear head to create ears. Roll the dough balls being used for snouts in sugar and place in the bottom center of the bear head. Carefully flatten the smaller balls.
Bake until golden, 8 to 10 minutes. While the bear cookies are still warm, place an M&M on the snout to make a nose and use two mini chocolate chips to make eyes.
Let cool completely and enjoy!
Original recipe from Delish.com if you don’t have a box mix. This is what I attempted.
I got all my ingredients together before I got started.

I realized I only had one stick of butter so I had to split the recipe in half.

I started to mix with a hand mixer but it was getting stuck and not mixing so I grabbed a fork and started mixing with that.

I added all the dry ingredients and then little hands wanted to jump in and help with the mixing.

Oven was preheated and I started scooping with Tbsp & tsp measures to make my little bears.

Can you see the bear? I can! I guess the rolled sugar snout was supposed to make it stand out a little…

Here is my 1/2 batch going into the oven. Aren’t they cute?

Here they are coming out. I mean, it was a cute idea but I clearly have work to do on my baking fashion skills. I’m sure I missed a step somewhere or miscalculated my ingredients. I will try them again and see what happens. I didn’t have M&Ms for the face but I used regular and mini chocolate chips and this was the result. They were super yummy!

Do you see the bear in the cookie? Would you give it a shot and see if yours turn out better than mine? I would love to see your final result!