On DatingÂ
A few weeks after leaving Bryleigh’s dad, a guy I dated in high school found me on Facebook. We began talking again. He lived an hour away and I found myself driving out to his place and back home again almost every weekend. I wasted so much time and money. I blindly trusted him because I thought he was someone safe, since I knew him in high school. I was with him for three months and the whole time he was seeing another woman.
After emotional abuse, and now being physically cheated on; I never wanted anything to do with a man again. I wanted to and was able to begin wholly focusing my energy on myself and Bryleigh. Then I met Steve. Steve is a whole other story. Maybe one for another blog.
When dating as a single mom I find it difficult dividing up my time between who I am seeing and my daughter. Trying to combine our lives as much as possible and sharing family type outings…. Hoping they like each other. Luckily she’s only known two men I’ve been with since her Dad. Steve- who passed away in 2017, and Doug, who I’ve been with since 2018.

Sometimes I feel guilty for trying to date and spend my time with someone else, especially while she’s so young. Sometimes, I get the third degree from other’s.. telling me to just give up dating while she’s so little, but when you meet a special person you’d like to keep in your life and make you and your daughter happy, you hold onto them.
Dating is not easy!
Sometimes I feel jealous of others who have the husband/marriage, the house, the perfect little family where they take vacations and family portraits. I have to let that feeling enter and then let it go. I am lucky for what Bryleigh and I DO have, and there is a reason it’s all worked out this way. I am thankful for what I have done in life and for being able to share my successes, lessons, and sometimes defeats with you.

This is a multi-part post so check back next Wednesday for the continuation of the story.