We tried to create our own scheduling at first in sharing time with Bryleigh. I was terrified to get the courts involved for some reason. It broke my heart because it felt as if I was dealing with a piece of property and not a human being.
Bryleigh willingly went with her dad a few times and then it increasingly became a struggle. I couldn’t figure it out and it was causing a great deal of stress on myself and on Bryleigh.

At this moment I haven’t heard and she hasn’t seen her father for almost a year. It’s a constant worry that looms over my head.
I know I had a toxic relationship with him, but I put my feelings aside for the betterment of Bryleigh. She needs her Father in her life and it breaks my heart she doesn’t have him. Maybe in the future.

One can only keep hope and always look for the good.
Thank you so much for sharing your personal story with us, Colleen. It has been great to get a glimpse of what being a single parent entails. We are all part of a very interesting world. Each one of us has a unique story that deserves to be shared and heard.
What is your story? I would love to share it and help you get your voice heard. Email me and I will work out a post for your story.