If you are like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. It doesn’t matter how early my day starts, I can never seem to get to everything. I don’t feel like I set unreasonable goals daily, it just seems like all kinds of things come up and I don’t get time to complete all my goals.
I am trying really hard to get our house organized and less cluttered. Let me just tell you, that is no easy task when you home school, work multiple jobs, and try to raise four kids. I’m trying to follow FlyLady‘s tips and techniques. I do my best to get through everything every day. I started with the Baby Steps which worked great but now I have gone through all thirty-one things and am doing what I can in a day.
Even though I don’t seem to have enough time to do everything I’d like to in a day, I have been able to get rid of clutter. It is quite the process though. I wish I could snap my fingers and it would all be nice, neat and together. As we all know, things just don’t work that way.
What I have found to be helpful is to get the kids on board. I have given them visions of what different rooms in our house could look like if they were less cluttered and only contained the things we loved. That has gotten them to go through things with me and let go of a lot of things. So far, we have taken four very full van loads to donation facilities.
We would love to turn one of our rooms into a home gym. All of us have a love for athleticism and try to carve out time every day to focus on physical fitness. I have really started to enjoy Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well as Crossfit. Both of them are hard but rewarding when I’m able to “get it”. The hubby and one son have come to enjoy weight lifting and do that together. Kid #2 & #4 both also enjoy jiu jitsu. Kid #3 is a competitive dancer. In the summer, all the kids swim on a competitive swim team.
Yes, I could get all my goals accomplished if I didn’t lose roughly two hours getting a workout in but I feel like I would go crazy if I didn’t get personal time. A good workout is a great way to get in some personal time and do something good for your body. I may not have the physique that I would like to have at the moment, but I’m not going to give up. Each and every day is a work in progress. This goes for home organization and personal goals.
I will continue to find ways to get my tasks done, even if that means I need to delegate more to other members of the family. I will continue to make time for myself so that I have the energy to do more for my family. My family and our relationships are definitely more important to me than a super clean house, so it isn’t going to happen every day. There will be days that we spend just playing and having fun. There will be days that we go on adventures away from home. There will be days that we just can’t. We just need to be together and do nothing. I’m okay with all of this. Each day starts new.
Do you have a similar situation? Do you feel like there just isn’t enough time? Do you feel overwhelmed from time to time and just have to let go and say no for the day?